Merry Christmas _ Happy Holidays with KySpirit 1999
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Candle to shine Window to Holiday fun Candle to shine

A Kentucky Christmas Wish

Our Creator adorns you with the blessings of Christmas time;
Stars Shinning bright in the darkness,
Sunlite for all your days,
Light to show the way as you make this journey.
and All the ~Love & Light~ there is to share.

May you have all needed courage this coming year,
The wealth from friends and family,
Joy of life itself, love unlimited for all you touch
And the brightest light of all.
~~Love and Light~~

Christmas with KySpirit ~ Happy Holidays
Christmas Card 98
Snowy Farm Pic
Christmas 99
My Childrens Christmas Card 99
Let is Snow
99 Secret Santa Gift
Silver Bells

Copyright © 1999 KySpirit ~ Earth Mother Designs. All Rights Reserved.
All artwork, logos, and the name Earth Mother Designs are trademarks of Earth Mother Designs.
All text, html code, page design, scripts, formats and images not attributed to another source are
copyrighted by KySpirit ~ Earth Mother Designs
And may not be used without permission, nor altered in any manner, nor included in any collection!!!
My thanks to all original artists unknown at this time for the use of these graphics used in these holiday pages. All that I have designed are showed with a © or noted in footnotes credits